Office Hours after class starts: by appointment using CityZoom inside Canvas.
Office Hours after class starts: by appointment using CityZoom inside Canvas.
I have an M.A. in Geography from San Francisco State University. I started my GIS career over 20 years ago in GIS at the California Academy of Sciences, making maps for the Herpetology department.
Most of my career since then has been spent with Pacific Gas & Electric, where I started as a GIS Analyst in 2001. I am now the Principal Program Manager of GIS Data, where I am responsible for PG&E's entire portfolio of GIS. For better or for worse, I bring a lot of real-world examples of what I do at my day job to teaching GIS. Sometimes we talk about current events around wildfire risk modeling, environmental planning, and emergency response.
I earned an ESRI Professional Certification in ArcGIS Desktop, and I have been teaching this class at San Francisco City College since 2005. In my spare time, I walk my dog, do some backpacking, and I volunteer for causes supporting women and girls and tech. I am a huge fan of - look him up and see what you think!