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Students: ( Attended with my class (Please tell us which class) _____________________________________Community members: ( Contacted by City College: ( U.S. Mail ( E-mail ( Social media( Received extra credit for attending( Saw or heard publicity: ( Flyer posted on campus ( Announcement in class ( Heard about it from friends( Saw or heard publicity: ( Media (newspaper, radio station, TV) ( Flyer posted (where?) _____________ ( Heard about it from friendsOther(SLOs wll be filled in by C/LS from the event proposal form) Student Learning Outcome(s) for this program: Students will be able to differentiate between individual and group differences, identify cultural and ethnic differences, and recognize universal similarities in all individuals. Student will develop an understanding and respect for all humans and an appreciation for the richness of culture at CCSF and in the world. _____________________________________________________________________________ What did you learn by attending this program? ___________________________________________ Did the presenter meet your expectations? Please Circle (with 5 being the most positive) In terms of the knowledge or experience with the subject matter or skill 1 2 3 4 5 The quality of the speakers presentation (i.e.; Verbal skills, interesting presentation) 1 2 3 4 5 Supplementary materials (i.e.; Power point, slides, film, handouts) (if appropriate) 1 2 3 4 5 If you would like to be on our mailing list, please put your email address here or email us at HYPERLINK "mailto:concert@ccsf.edu"concert@ccsf.edu . _____________________________________________.        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