Question: To whom does Code of Student Conduct apply and when does it apply?

Response: The Code Student Conduct applies to all enrolled students of ÌìÓ鴫ý (ÌìÓ鴫ý) from the moment that they enroll as students at CCSF.



Question: What happens if I have been removed from my class (for up to two class meetings) by my instructor or from a facility or area (for up to two days) by an administrator?

Response: Do not return to the class or area for the designated dates (or times) during the period of removal. You may also be required to meet with the Student Conduct & Discipline if you receive a follow-up notification for further instructions. You may be in further violation of the Student Code of Conduct if you ignore any classroom instruction or notifications.



Question: I just received a notice from Student Conduct & Discipline. What is this notice regarding?

Response: The notice states that you may have violated one or more standards of the Code of Student Conduct. The alleged violation was reported by a District employee to the Disciplinary Officers. Generally, notices outline the alleged violation(s) of the Code of Student Conduct and provide the date of the alleged violation, the charges, a brief description of the alleged incident, and instructions for scheduling an appointment.

Question: What should I do now that I have received this notice?

Response: You should read the notice carefully and contact Student Conduct & Discipline to schedule an appointment. For appointments, email Generally, students schedule an appointment with the Disciplinary Officer within three (3) days of the date of the notice. Failure to schedule an appointment may lead to a hold being placed on your account at CCSF.


Question: May I bring an advocate to my appointment?

Response: Yes, you may bring an advocate with you. You will need to sign a release of information (FERPA) waiver form in order for us to speak with individuals who are assisting or advocating for you. The form authorizes the Disciplinary Officer to disclose details of the violation report to you in the presence of your advocate. Lawyers are not permitted.

Question: What happens if I don't make an appointment or skip my appointment?

Response: If you fail to schedule an appointment, a hold may be placed on your student account. A hold will prevent you from accessing and utilizing student services and programs. For example, you may not be able to register for classes, drop or add classes or request transcripts. If you miss your appointment without contacting Student Conduct & Discipline, the Disciplinary Officer may proceed as if the meeting was held and impose applicable sanctions based on the reported violations.

Question: What will happen at this appointment?

Response: You will meet with the Disciplinary Officer. The incident report and alleged violations will be discussed and reviewed with you. You will be given an opportunity to be heard, to present any information to support account of the report and to inspect and review any evidence available in your matter.

At the conclusion of the meeting, given the preponderance of evidence ("more likely than not") and given the information contained in the written notices and provided by you, the Disciplinary Officer or designee may impose any number of disciplinary sanctions, including but not limited to reprimand; removal (from a class, program, activity, location); restriction; restitution; disciplinary probation; recommended suspension; recommended expulsion. You are expected to sign and abide by the Code of Student Conduct.


Question: If a sanction is imposed and I disagree with it, may I appeal the decision?

Response: Most disciplinary sanctions cannot be appealed. You may not appeal the following sanctions: warning; reprimand; removal; restriction; restitution; disciplinary probation. With the exception of a Warning, these sanctions become part of your student record. In proven cases of academic dishonesty (including but not limited to cheating and plagiarism), your instructor has the freedom to apply one or more of the following outcomes: issue a warning; impose an academic penalty on the assignment (usually an F); report of the violation to the Disciplinary Officer (for informational and/or disciplinary purposes).

You may appeal suspension and expulsion recommendations and request that a hearing panel review your matter. The Disciplinary Officer will explain the appeal process and the different appeal hearings options that are available to you. If either suspension or expulsion are recommended by the Disciplinary Officer, you are given five (5) business days to appeal the sanctions. If the Disciplinary Officer does not receive a written appeal within five business days, then you automatically waive your opportunity to appeal the recommended sanction.

Requests for an appeal generally are limited to errors in fact or statements; due process violations; new information. Once the written request for an appeal has been received, the Disciplinary Officer will arrange an appeal hearing within fourteen(14) business days of receiving the request for a written appeal.

Question: What are the hearing options?

Response: Your appeal may be heard 1) by an impartial, uninvolved Hearing Officer (Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs or designee) or 2) by an impartial, uninvolved Hearing Panel (one Administrator, one Faculty Member, one Classified Member). The Hearing Officer or Hearing Panel may sustain the recommended sanction (suspension or expulsion), in whole or part, may recommend a reduced disciplinary sanction, or may exonerate you. A final decision will be rendered, in writing, by the Hearing Officer or Hearing Panel within ten (10) business days.

Question: What if I do not appeal the Disciplinary Officer's decision?

Response: If you do not appeal a suspension recommendation, the sanction becomes final. If you do not appeal an expulsion recommendation, the sanction is reviewed by the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs or designee.


Question: What if I am found to be in violation of the allegations and charges against me?

Response: In cases of recommended suspension, if you are found to be in violation of the allegations and charges against you, then the decision of the Hearing Officer or Hearing Panel is final and the suspension takes effect.

In cases of recommended expulsion, if you are found to be in violation of the allegations and charges against you, then the decision of the Hearing Officer or Hearing Panel is subject to review and consideration by the Chancellor and the Board of Trustees. The expulsion recommendation will be heard in closed session by the Board of Trustees unless you request that your matter be heard in public within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving a notice from the Office of Legal Affairs stating so.


Question: What is due process?

Response: Due process is a student’s right to a fair, equitable and just process.

Question: What are my due process rights as a student?

Response: Notification and Communication: the right to receive proper notification when/if a violation of the Code of Student Conduct occurs; the right to clear and timely communication(s) regarding the process until the matter is resolved; the right to clear explanation and clarification of disciplinary processes, procedures and decisions.

Response: Formal and Informal Hearings: the right to be informed in writing of the charges, the evidence relied upon and the basis for the decision or the recommendation; the right to present and inspect evidence; the right to remain silent during hearings; the right to be heard by impartial decision makers; the right to have an advocate (no attorneys/lawyers may be present); the right to waive hearing and appeal opportunities.

Response: Opportunity: the opportunity to be heard; the opportunity to appeal disciplinary sanctions (applies only in cases of recommended suspension and expulsion); the opportunity to be reinstated or restored when/if conditions of disciplinary sanctions have been met.



Question: What happens to my student record if I am found to be in violation of the Code of Student Conduct?

Response: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) makes a student's disciplinary file part of the educational record. Student Conduct & Discipline will not release or permit access to your disciplinary file except as otherwise permitted by law or a court order and/or with your authorization. However, disciplinary records may also be shared with other members of the ÌìÓ鴫ý community with a legitimate need to know.

You may be asked or required to complete FERPA waiver form in order for us to speak with individuals who are assisting or advocating for you.

You may obtain a copy of your disciplinary file by contact the Office of Student Conduct and Discipline. However, identifying information (e.g., names, pictures and contact information) kept in your file or in any documentation will not be disclosed or will be obscured.