All 鴫ý Faculty Members — part-time, full-time, credit and noncredit — in the College are members of the Senate. The Executive  Council is a group of 29 faculty members elected by the Senate at large whose primary function is to make recommendations with regard to academic and professional matters. 

As a member of the Executive Council, you will be able to:

  • Help make recommendations with regard to academic and professional matters (for more details or information see “What is the Executive Council?”)
  • Become more knowledgeable about Shared Governance issues
  • Learn about CCSF’s culture;
  • Develop your ability to engage in collegial discussion
  • Become acquainted with parliamentary procedures
  • Participate in collective decision-making; and
  • Vote on a broad range of important issues that affect the future of faculty and students.

Executive Council’s Commitment

The nomination is for a two-year term. However, under certain circumstances, terms may be one year only.

Meetings are held every other Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

For the 2024-25 academic year All Meetings will be held in person. Remote attendance may be permitted for up to 20% of scheduled meetings, for just cause. This shall apply unless the ADA or other state and/or federal law requires accommodation be met by remote attendance.

Joining the Executive Council

ALL FACULTY MEMBERS – part-time, full-time, credit and noncredit may run for Executive Council. Council members may serve two consecutive two-year terms, and then must sit out for one year

ANY three faculty members -- part-time, full-time, credit or noncredit (not necessarily Council members) -- may nominate you by signing the nomination form. Please note: on the nomination form, the words “three undersigned Senate members” refers to ANY three faculty members. 

Voting in Executive Council Elections

All faculty members – part-time, fulltime, credit and noncredit – may vote in the elections. Voting is conducted online in early April each year. Voting instructions will be publicized via email and posted on the Academic Senate website. Discrepancies will be settled by the Election Commissioners.

2024 Elections 

Dear Colleagues,

The electronic election for the 2024-25 Academic Senate Executive Council is now open. The polls will be open from March 27, until April 19, 2024. The final list of candidates and their descriptions can be found here:  (will be updated with 2024 candidates as nominations proceed).

鴫ý Faculty are asked to review the list of candidates and when you are ready log in using your 鴫ý email Here: and cast your ballot.

Thanks to all our colleagues who stepped up to stand for election this spring.

Questions may be directed to individual election commissioners or emailed to

 (will be updated with 2024 candidates as nominations proceed)

2023 Elections Timeline 

Date Event
January 24,  2024 Approval of Election Materials by Council
February 2024 Nomination Petition forms published online, City Notes, etc
March 06, 2024 5PM      Nomination Petitions due
March 27, 2024 Electronic voting opens 
April 19, 2024 Electronic voting closes 
April 24, 2024 Newly elected members announced
May 22, 2024

Newly elected members attend the last executive council meeting

New Council is seated

New Officers elected


*By Article IV of the Academic Senate Constitution: “If at the time for nominations to close, the number of candidates does not equal twice the number of vacancies to be filled, the Council or the Election Commission shall postpone balloting one week, during which time additional candidates may be nominated upon the written petition of one Senate member and the written acceptance of the candidate. The postponed balloting shall then take place regardless of the number of candidates.”