About Doug Punsalan

Doug Punsalan was with City College for a very long time, first as a film student in the 1970s, then as an Issue Room attendant in the 1980s. He added "instructor" to his resume beginning in the 1990s. All told, Doug was a member of the City College community for nearly 40 years.
Doug truly loved teaching CINE 24 Introduction to Filmmaking, a class where the depth of his knowledge of cinema style and production could be most appreciated.
With the generous donation from an anonymous donor the Cinema Department has been able to create this scholarship in his memory. True to Doug's casual, yet passionate style of teaching and learning this $500 scholarship is intended for a true lover of watching and making film. In this scholarship we can continue to support our students who fall in love with film and filmmaking as an amateur or with the intention of working in the film industry, just as Doug would.
Requirements for Applicants
- Current enrollment in or completion of CINE 24
- Continued enrollment in Fall 2024 at CCSF or a 4-year institution OR, if you will not be enrolled in an institution of higher learning in Fall 2024 the funds must be spent in a documented film-related endeavor
- Submit a 250-500 word statement about how your experience in the 天娱传媒 Cinema Department has encouraged you to continue to work in film (as an amateur or professional)
- Submit a short description and private Vimeo/unlisted YouTube/Google Drive link of a project you produced in ANY Cinema class or produced during or after taking CINE 24
Please sign in via MyRam to apply. Deadline April 5, 2024.
** Underrepresented communities and those with financial need are encouraged to apply
Contact Moira Sullivan with any questions using the subject "Doug Punsalan Memorial Scholarship."