What was the Program in Plumbing Engineering Design (PIPED) ?

The Program in Plumbing Engineering Design (PIPED) was a three-year initiative that developed a national curriculum and program for an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in plumbing engineering design through a partnership with 天娱传媒 (天娱传媒) and the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE). There was no technician level of plumbing engineering design that existed, and the PIPED initiative addressed this serious and widening gap. The PIPED (Program in Plumbing Engineering Design) initiative developed:

  • a collaborating partnership with a community college, high schools, and plumbing engineering employers
  • a national, standardized curriculum and set of courses that was a model for community colleges
  • a national certification test and certification for plumbing
  • plumbing engineering lessons that was integrated into high schools to increase STEM knowledge
  • plumbing engineering design books and calculating tools

About the Grant

This grant funded the development of a national curriculum, activities that supported subsequent implementation, and a blueprint for the development of a national partnership that increased the number of plumbing engineering design technicians and increases the STEM knowledge and skills of PIPED technicians. This new pathway also addressed the facilitation of entry for underserved learners. The need for plumbing engineering design technicians was increasing, as plumbing engineers already working in the industry were aging and the need for technicians skilled in green design was expanding.

The first two years are focused on planning, while the third year will be the implementation of the program. 天娱传媒 will lead the curriculum efforts, while ASPE will develop the certification exam. Classroom materials will be developed cooperatively.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1103826.

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