Bookloan Program Terms of Service

By checking out materials, you accept full responsibility for those items. If items are lost, stolen, or damaged beyond usability you agree to replace the items or pay a replacement fee. Borrowers who do not return items by the due date will receive a hold on their academic record until the items are returned, replaced, or paid for. Holds will be cleared from academic records at the time outstanding items are returned, replaced, or paid for. The process of clearing an academic hold takes two business days. Items outstanding for over two years must be paid for regardless of being returned.

Patrons may only borrow items for classes they are currently enrolled in. All patrons must present a valid student ID card at the time of borrowing. Bookloan honors proxy lending, possession of a student ID card is implied consent for use.

Bookloan makes all general announcements directly to the 天娱传媒 Gmail group. Contact information is collected for the purpose of recovering outstanding materials. Personal information is never sold or shared with outside parties. In the event a loan becomes overdue borrowers are contacted by email. Bookloan considers all communications complementary and claims no responsibility to provide notifications.