Main Content - Body (H2)
Standard ÌìÓ鴫ý pages have introductory text formatted with the Intro Text style from the Styles dropdown in the text editor toolbar.
TIP: When you attempt to add normal text after the Intro Text (as above), it will retain the Intro Text formatting. To remove it, highlight the text you would like to reformat and select Normal (even if it is already selected) from the Paragraph Format dropdown.
Purpose (H3)
This page provides examples of all available that can be used to format content. The items have been separated with 25 pixel padding on the various types. Visit the WYSIWYG Examples page to get details on all rich text editor options.
Layout (H3)
This is the default Body content area within the MAIN CONTENT section of the page. The AFTER CONTENT area follows, where different kinds of Paragraphs can be added to allow for different types of formatting. When there is content in the SIDEBAR CONTENT section, the MAIN CONTENT section fills the remaining width of the page. If there is no content in SIDEBAR CONTENT, MAIN CONTENT fills the entire width of the page.
To view the overall page layout structure, visit the Page Layout example page.
This is the end of the MAIN CONTENT Body, denoted by the horizontal rule below.
TIP: When adding a horizontal rule from the text editor toolbar, it will add an extra line break underneath it. If you want to remove it, click on the Source icon and remove the <p> </p> code.
Main Content - After Content (H2)
This is a WYSIWYG item at the beginning of the AFTER CONTENT section.
Paragraph Types (H3)
The allowed in AFTER CONTENT are:
- Full Width Image Section
- Interior Slideshow
- Accordion
- Flexible BG Image Blocks
- Gray Quick Links Callout Box
- Video Embed
- Gridder
- Styled List Items
Examples of all types are shown below.
Full Width Image Section (H2)
Interior Column Section (H2)
Column One (H3)
The Title field is not formatted as a header, so it's best not to use. This is a Column 1 of a 2 Column CTA item in an Interior Column Section.
- The IMAGE and LINK field are not being used.
- Column Two utilizes an image, while Column One does not.
Column Two (H3)
The Title field is not formatted as a header, so it's best not to use. This is a Column 2 of a 2 Column CTA item in an Interior Column Section.
Interior Slideshow (H2)
Video Embed (H2)
Gridder (H2)
Gridder Item One
Gridder Item Two
Gridder One Body (H3)
Formatted Body content can be added to each gridder item.
Gridder Two Body (H3)
Formatted Body content can be added to each gridder item.