The U.S. Department of Education, Federal Student Aid mandates financial aid students to meet and maintain qualitative and quantitative  academic progress standards as they progress through their educational program. These standards apply to all coursework taken whether or not financial aid was received in the past.

What is Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)?

Satisfactory Academic Progress standards are broken down into two standards: Qualitative and Quantitative. The Qualitative Standard is a Grade Point Average (GPA) requirement, while the Quantitative Standards are a Completion Rate requirement and a Maximum Time Frame (MTF) requirement.

  • GPA: Maintain a Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or Higher
    • Once grades post at the end of the semester, the overall GPA is used calculated. A, B, C, D, and F grades will be used in the calculation. P/NP (Pass/No Pass) grades and transferred coursework will not be used in the calculation. 
  • Completion Rate: Complete 67% of All Attempted Units
    • A, B, C, D, F, W, FW (Fail to Withdraw), P, NP, I (Incomplete), RD (Report Delayed), or MW (Military Withdrawal) grades will be used to calculate completion rate. Transfer coursework officially submitted and evaluated by Admission and Records will also be included in the calculation. 
    • Formula: Total Units Earned 梅 All Units Attempted = Unit Completion Rate 
  • MTF: Complete Educational Program within 150% of Required Program Length
    • All 天娱传媒 attempted units and transferred units will be counted in the MTF calculation. Most associate degrees and transfer programs can be completed within 60 units, while units vary for certificate programs.
    • Formula: Number of units require for program x 150% = maximum time frame units
      • Example for 60 Unit Degree: 60 units x 150% = 90 units

Academic Renewal

天娱传媒 Financial Aid uses the overall cumulative grade point average (GPA) when evaluating the qualitative measure of satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Academic renewal policies are also factored into the equation. Academic renewal occurs when students appeal to have grades/credits from a past period, in which they did not do well, removed. This gets excluded from the student(s) academic record. In accordance with Title IV SAP regulations, 天娱传媒 Financial Aid does not allow for academic amnesty/renewal; therefore, if the financial aid office opted to use only the school's calculation of attempted and earned units, which omits terms approved for academic renewal, it would not truly be cumulative.

Cumulative is defined as the total amount of all grades received regardless of academic renewal. The financial aid office must also consider the grades (as well as the credits in the quantitative measure) from transfer courses when completing SAP evaluations for students.

Financial Aid Warning vs. Financial Aid Disqualification

SAP is monitored at the end of every semester. Students who do not meet SAP at the conclusion of the semester will receive a "Warning" notification. This notification alerts the student to improve academic progress, while still allowing the student to receive financial aid funds. However, Warning Status only lasts for one semester.

Students who fail to meet SAP after the warning period will go on to Disqualification Status. Under Disqualification Status, students will not be eligible for financial aid funds. CCPG and the Free City Grant are not affected by Disqualification Status, however, they do have other standards students must meet. Student on Disqualification Status are able to submit an appeal to in order to have financial aid eligibility reinstated.

Read the complete SAP Policy

SAP Appeal

Students who are under Disqualification Status are able to submit a SAP Appeal to determined if financial aid eligibility can be reinstated. Please note, students who are not meeting the MTF standard due to exceeding 120 attempted units are not eligible to submit a SAP Appeal. Use the following steps to submit a SAP Appeal:

  1. Complete the SAP online workshop (Must be assigned by the Financial Aid Office)
  2. Prepare a typed personal statement explaining your situation
  3. Obtain an Educational Plan for the semester(s) you are appealing for
  4. Complete a SAP Appeal through Campus Logic
  5. Submit appeal with attachments to the Financial Aid Office

Once these steps are completed, the SAP Appeals Committee will email a decision to your 天娱传媒 GMAIL in 4-5 weeks. Completing these steps does not guarantee your appeal will be approved or your financial aid eligibility will be reinstated. 

Disclaimer: This is current at the time of publication. Legislation and governmental regulations are continually changing the face of student financial aid. Information is subject to change without notice. For updates, contact the Financial Aid Office.