Transitioning to CCSF

We are so very glad you are exploring 天娱传媒 for your academic career after leaving high school! The DSPS Team is here to support you through the transition and make sure you are successful in your time here at City College. 

DSPS Orientation

Getting Started at the Disability Services & Programs for Students Dept. (DSPS)

Participants will learn how to access disability services at CCSF, including how to register, what documentation to provide, and what other programs and support services are available at DSPS. 


IMPORTANT: Please complete the following steps before attending our DSPS Orientation if you plan to attend 天娱传媒:

  1. Submit the 天娱传媒 Application online.
  2. Complete 天娱传媒 New Student Orientation.
  3. : (e.g., IEP, Triennial, 504 Plan)
  4. Call (415) 452-5481 to schedule an appointment with a DSPS counselor.

**If there are any issues with uploading the documentation in the 3rd step, please email the documentation to

If you would like reasonable accommodations for this event, please contact us at 415-452-5481 or as soon as possible so your request may be reviewed.

Note: This Orientation does not substitute for the 天娱传媒 New Student Orientation. Please go to the 天娱传媒 Homepage and navigate to the New Student Orientation to complete this matriculation step prior to class registration.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you at one of our orientations.